সোমবার, ২৫ জুন, ২০১৮

Forget all these worldly stuff, I just want to find God

:: Forget all these worldly stuff, I just want to find God ::

"A deep desire to reach out to The Al-Mighty
This sudden need to want to find Peace
To desire only the One Source of Everything
Is truly a deep calling of the soul
To Find out the key question
What really are you Seeking?
The timeless question ~ "Who are You?"
You seek for comfort in God
He doesn't rest up in the clouds somewhere
You cannot find the Source of Everything
Just at the prayer mat itself
You find The Source of all Power, by walking into that Power
And how do you walk in that direction?
By living what has given you
And bringing them to life
By Being with at Peace with the AlMighty
Means you Glorify the Creator of all Creations
How can you Glorify the Creator
When you don't even appreciate You, the creation?
The very thing the Creator has created is You
And you don't even Value, Love, Appreciate You ?
When you are crying to Know & Find Peace in God
It is actually the Merciful's way of reaching out to your heart
To pull You out of his creations
To make you See you
Who you are
The amazing potential you have been created to be
The one you miss adoring or admiring
Busy seeking outside
When the light is within
You Serve Him
By Being the Best of You
Using everything you have
To Serve Your Utter Best
You don't find the Light
You Be the Light
You shine everything that you are
from inside you
To the world
Just look at your eyes,
Just one eye, if that is gone
You'll understand just the power of 1 eye ...
That majestic creation of an eye
Inside you, as you blink, its there
Even if you know how to appreciate that eye
That itself is true glory to the Creator
You appreciate the eyes
Do you appreciate your entire self?
The whole that you are?
Despair of low self esteem
is a mark of not understanding The Al Mighty yet
Coz one who knows Who the Creator is
Will stand in Power knowing
You are strong because the Creator is Strong ...
You admire yourself
You value yourself
You love yourself
You feels the BEST
Coz You knows The Creator is The BEST
When You praise yourself
You knows, you are only praising the Creator of this creation
All Praise to the AlMighty.

~ Alhamdulillah ~

★. Source : ©. suria isha sparks's blog.


** Note: ® [This is one of my Favorite English Articles. I own none of the content within the post, only the drafting/typing time spent. No copyright infringement intended. The contents of this post are the intellectual property and copyright of their owner(s)/author(s). All content is owned by its respective owner(s)/companies. If you own any of the content and wish for me to remove this post from my personal blog (Dhumkeatu's Diary - A personal online diary : Where I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud...) please contact me and I will do so. Here this post is provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Thank you.]


*** N.B : [All the post on this blog (Dhumkeatu's Diary) is only for Personal Collection/Personal use only. There are no other intention to Plagiarism on any others post or content. Advance apologize for any objection of any Author, Publisher, Blog, Website & the others printing media for posting/re-posting any contents on this Personal Blog - "Dhumkeatu's Diary - A personal online diary : where I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud."]

*** Believe : "Happiness is a Choice & Life is Beautiful."
''Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara." Just keep Livin...!!!
Keep Smile.......!! Happy Living......!!! :) :) :)
Thank You, Good Luck......!!! :) :) :) 🌷🙏🌷

*** Posted by : © "Dhumkeatu's Diary" || 25.06.2018 || 🇧🇩

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