Dear Diary,
I'm an asshole.
I got a really mean text 2 nights ago from a guy I was seeing.
I was appalled. I couldn't believe he said that. I couldn't believe he said that to ME.
I've been nothing but nice, supportive, and loving towards him. How dare he. I was so upset for 2 days and couldn't stop crying. Why does this keep happening? Man, after man, asshole after asshole. While speaking to my healer, since everything always roots back to me, she asked me to think about why I may be attracting assholes in my life.
Since like attracts like, she helped me see that I've been an asshole to myself. When you're an asshole to yourself, you attract assholes into your life she told me.
I hated hearing this.
Are you kidding? I mean I been working on myself for over 8 years and attending countless self-help seminars, reading book after book to improve my quality of life. But the more I pondered on it, I realized she was right. Throughout the day I noticed I was constantly beating myself up.
"Aditi, you should really get up now."
"God, you're so lazy."
"Aditi, you should really get to work."
"What are you doing? Why are you doing that?"
"What is wrong with you?"
And continually telling myself I'm not enough as I am and that I should be doing more, I should get it together, and constantly berating myself. She's right. I am an asshole to myself. In an effort to be nice to others I've been an asshole to myself. In an effort to make myself strive for more I've been an asshole to myself.
In an effort to better myself I've been an asshole to myself. I realize this way isn't going to work anymore. I don't want to be an asshole and I don't want anymore assholes coming my way.
For the next 40 days I've decided to do an Asshole Detox. Every time I find myself being an asshole to myself, I'm goingto catch it, and turn it around.
I'm going to change my inner dialogue. I'm going to be compassionate, loving, and forgiving of myself. I love you Aditi. Forever and always. You deserve the best, especially from me.
PS. Feel free to join me I will be documenting how it goes.
★. Copyright : ©. "Aditi Ramchandani" (August 3 at 11:05am)
*** নোটঃ - (আপনার সুবিধামতো সময়ে পড়তে টাইমলাইনে শেয়ার করে রাখুন। প্রয়োজনীয় মূর্হুতে খুঁজে পেতে পোষ্টটির লিংক সেইভ রাখুন। না হলে পরে আবার খুঁজতে হবে... এবং কোন মন্তব্য দেওয়ার থাকলে কমেন্ট বক্সে জানাবেন।)
** Note: ® [This is one of my Favorite English Articles. I own none of the content within the post, only the drafting/typing time spent. No copyright infringement intended. The contents of this post are the intellectual property and copyright of their owner(s)/author(s). All content is owned by its respective owner(s)/companies. If you own any of the content and wish for me to remove this post from my personal blog (Dhumkeatu's Diary - A personal online diary : Where I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud...) please contact me and I will do so. Here this post is provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Thank you.]
*** Image source : ©
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*** Believe : "Happiness is a Choice & Life is Beautiful."
''Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara." Just keep Livin...!!!
Keep Smile.......!! Happy Living......!!! :) :) :)
Thank You, Good Luck......!!! :) :) :) 🌷🙏🌷
*** Posted by : © "Dhumkeatu's Diary" || 17.06.2018 || 🇧🇩
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