শনিবার, ১৬ জুন, ২০১৮

My Creed for Life

*** Creed for Life :

> I believe that all life deserves to be treated with respect.

> I believe there exists a power greater than myself that loves me and wants me to experience true happiness.

> I believe that I have a duty to the rest of the universe to heal my emotional wounds - no matter how small - so I will not pass my pain onto someone else.

> I believe that actions speak louder than words.

> I believe that I have a right to dissociate myself from those who constantly indulge in abusive practices.

> I believe that friendship should not have any conditions, except love and respect.

> I believe it is a greater challenge to be creatively good than deviously evil.

> I believe a shameful secret is a dishonorable one that should be confronted, exposed, and ultimately overcomed.

★. Copyright : ©. "Lady Fribble."


*** নোটঃ - (আপনার সুবিধামতো সময়ে পড়তে টাইমলাইনে শেয়ার করে রাখুন। প্রয়োজনীয় মূর্হুতে খুঁজে পেতে পোষ্টটির লিংক সেইভ রাখুন। না হলে পরে আবার খুঁজতে হবে... এবং কোন মন্তব্য দেওয়ার থাকলে কমেন্ট বক্সে জানাবেন।)


** Note: ® [This is one of my Favorite English Articles. I own none of the content within the post, only the drafting/typing time spent. No copyright infringement intended. The contents of this post are the intellectual property and copyright of their owner(s)/author(s). All content is owned by its respective owner(s)/companies. If you own any of the content and wish for me to remove this post from my personal blog (Dhumkeatu's Diary - A personal online diary : Where I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud...) please contact me and I will do so. Here this post is provided for educational purposes and personal use only. Thank you.]

*** Image source : ©


*** N.B : [All the post on this blog (Dhumkeatu's Diary) is only for Personal Collection/Personal use only. There are no other intention to Plagiarism on any others post or content. Advance apologize for any objection of any Author, Publisher, Blog, Website & the others printing media for posting/re-posting any contents on this Personal Blog - "Dhumkeatu's Diary - A personal online diary : where I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud."]

*** Believe : "Happiness is a Choice & Life is Beautiful."
''Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara." Just keep Livin...!!!
Keep Smile.......!! Happy Living......!!! :) :) :)
Thank You, Good Luck......!!! :) :) :) 🌷🙏🌷

*** Posted by : © "Dhumkeatu's Diary" || 16.06.2018 || 🇧🇩

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